Includes everything you need for assessing your transferable skills preferences, including:

  • One Advance Pack 2.0 card deck of 60 transferable skills organized into 6 color-coded core competencies and category cards for sorting skills into proficiency, preference and development.
  • One 11 x 17 full-color report form, (© 2015) to gain a comprehensive report of your skills organized into 6 core competencies, a summary of your top 4 preferred categories and individual skills, a Skill Wheel for identifying skill sets, and a section to record the skills you want to develop.
  • One Quick Start Guide for taking, recording, and applying the results to your career goals.

Time Required: Allow 50 minutes


See what our users are saying...

I just used Drive for the first time with our clients and I loved it.  The report layout is crisp, clean and easy to follow!  I sent a use to my colleague, and she loved the look and feel of it as well!  I think my favorite change is the career choices that go with each skill set! Thank you!

Cathy Cope, Watton Employment Services Inc., Advisor/Facilitator