
SkillScan is the main tool I use to support career changers in our coaching work! My clients appreciate the comprehensive and user-friendly reports. I love how multifaceted the report is for clarifying job targets for career changers.

Victoria Rayel, Career Development Specialist, LLC

As a holistic Executive/Life Coach, SkillScan has allowed me to offer next-level holistic service for my clients in career transition or clients who simply want to boost their confidence and highlight their skills in their current role. SkillScan is both extremely straightforward and in-depth and I highly recommend it!

Rebecca Babcock, CEO/Founder Rebecca Babcock Coaching

I really liked using Skillscan’s Career Driver Online. I liked how the system grouped skills and made career and class suggestions based on those skills. I took my students to the computer lab to take the assessment and it was helpful to work in a group because one student’s question helped other students.  My students found it easy to use. During my student’s final presentation on their career action plan, they all talked about the Career Driver’s recommendations for their skills and how it would fit into to the job they wanted.

Fatima Jinnah, Director, Career Services, Foothill College

The SkillScan assessment helped me categorize my skills and the career fields I can further investigate.  It was nice to see a list of my strength so I could get a big picture of what I am interested in or good at.  Also, I thought it was nice that the SkillScan assessment helped me explore things I want to  improve.  This assessment was a good chance to explore my strength/talent or weaknesses as I develop my career goal.

4th Year Chemistry Major, UCLA

As a career coach in private practice, SkillScan has been an invaluable addition to my toolbox, as I work with clients of various ages, stages, and industries. It helps my clients not only visualize their top skills, but with the Career Guide, see how those skills are transferable to different jobs in different industries. The click-throughs to O*NET make it easy for them to start their exploration!

Linda (Axelrod) Greenfield, MS, MBA, CMCS

I have successfully used SkillScan assessments with clients of all ages, career stages and in a variety of professions for over 25 years. Clients’ experience a combination of new awareness and practical ways to reposition their skills and experience for a new job or career.

Jan Cummings, MS CCC BCC, Career Development Coach, Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust

SkillScan is very useful in identifying transferable skills—helping a client see the possibilities beyond their college degree and previous job titles.

Glenda Sullentrup, MA, Master Career Counselor

SkillScan Online provides the perfect amount of insight for job seekers to clarify their transferable skills and identify career possibilities. Moreover, SkillScan has great resources to help clients market their transferable skills on their resume or in a job interview. SkillScan provides a language for clients to describe the skills they bring to the table, which helps increase confidence in the job search.

Danielle Roessle, LCSW, GCDFI, CCSP, Certified Career Coach, Inner Compass Coach

I use SkillScan Online to help my career transition clients, from age 20 to 60, identify the skills that are high in proficiency and enjoyment, and will help them live happier lives. My clients are also exposed to new possibilities when they apply their strongest skill sets to the practical career opportunities found in the SkillScan Drive assessment “Career Guides” section.

Lorrie Crystal Eigles, MSED, LPC My Authentic Life Coaching

I've been using the Skillscan assessment tool, cardsort and online versions, for more than 15 years. I was looking forward to the new online version and upon trying Drive, I was impressed with the enhancements. The interface is very appealing. The instructions were easy to follow, and the personalized report is comprehensive. It's a great resource for career counselors to use with clients as a foundation for generating career options, writing a resume, and preparing for interviews. It can be used with a range of clients from college students to professionals in career transition.

Markell R. Steele, Career Counselor, Futures in Motion, Inc.